12 Manage data with tidyverse

Let’s start with our first data analysis (I know you were waiting for it!): in this chapter, we will use the magic world of tidyverse and rnotebook to explore a dataset.

R notebook

We have already seen how to store R codes into scripts. However, there are some disadvantages of using them: you cannot see the output of a code directly under it, you cannot see the graphs directly under the code, you cannot create multiline comments without having to comment each line etc.
Here comes notebooks! Whithin RStudio, just click “File” > “New File” > “R notebook” to open a new notebook.
As this book is not focused on it, and there is already a wonderful book about it, I invite you to read the first part of it to get used to this wonderful tool.

The key feature you need to understand are:

  • code is executed only in code chunks, and all what you type outside is considered as “comment”
  • after every executed code chunks you can see the output of the chunk itself (super useful for data visualization and dataframe inspection)
  • you can export the notebook as html/pdf and share it with your colleagues (I prefer html for many reasons)

Dont’ worry! At the end of each chapter you can download the notebook used for the analysis, so you can explore it, see how it works, and run it. Don’t be lazy, first write your own notebook, in which you can add whatever comment you want, and then download mine to compare it.

Load packages and data

At the beginning of every analysis, it is strongly suggested to load any external package you want to use, in our case tidyverse. Why using tidyverse? Because it is super useful, easy to learn, intuitive and it is the main package used for data analysis with R. We have seen in the last chapter how to install and load it in our session, so let’s do it:


Next, we will load the dataset to analyze. It is taken from this paper, in particular it is Supplementary Table 13 (Download).

df <- read.csv("data/Supplementary_table_13.csv")
  SampleID Diagnosis Braak sex AOD PMI RIN CDR Area dataset
1 1005_TCX        AD     6   F  90   8 8.6  NA   TL    MAYO
2 1019_TCX        AD     6   F  86   4 7.8  NA   TL    MAYO
3 1029_TCX        AD     6   F  69   4 9.7  NA   TL    MAYO
4 1034_TCX        AD     6   F  88   5 8.9  NA   TL    MAYO
5 1045_TCX        AD     5   F  90  NA 8.4  NA   TL    MAYO
6 1046_TCX        AD     6   F  72   2 9.0  NA   TL    MAYO

Dataset structure

The very first thing to do is to explore the dataset, in particular the number of rows/columns and the type of columns. We can do it through str(), which returns the dimensions of the dataframe and some info about each column.
Here it is:

'data.frame':   1493 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ SampleID : chr  "1005_TCX" "1019_TCX" "1029_TCX" "1034_TCX" ...
 $ Diagnosis: chr  "AD" "AD" "AD" "AD" ...
 $ Braak    : num  6 6 6 6 5 6 5.5 6 6 5 ...
 $ sex      : chr  "F" "F" "F" "F" ...
 $ AOD      : num  90 86 69 88 90 72 85 82 77 90 ...
 $ PMI      : num  8 4 4 5 NA 2 NA 15 NA NA ...
 $ RIN      : num  8.6 7.8 9.7 8.9 8.4 9 8 10 8.6 7.9 ...
 $ CDR      : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Area     : chr  "TL" "TL" "TL" "TL" ...
 $ dataset  : chr  "MAYO" "MAYO" "MAYO" "MAYO" ...

You usually know what data you have in your dataset, which variables etc. As this is a downloaded table and it is my first time looking at it, I have to admit that we have to discover few things ahahah

What can we say about this dataframe?

  • It has 1493 observation and 10 variables
  • Variable SampleID should be the unique identifier of the sample (we should check it)
  • Diagnosis, sex, Area and dataset column can be categorical data, so we should convert them to factors
  • We have NAs in some variables. I see your face asking yourself “What the hell are NAs?”. Don’t worry, we’ll explain it in a bit

Let’s now check if SampleID are unique identifiers; to do it, we evaluate whether the number of unique values in that column is equal to the number of total values of that column:

length(unique(df$SampleID)) == length(df$SampleID)
[1] TRUE

Yes, they are unique identifiers.

Change column type

Next, we transform some chr columns to factor, this has 2 main advantages: first of all, factors are treated differently in some functions (expecially plotting) and they occupy less memory in you PC.
“Factors?! Why are you telling me about this data type now?” Yes, this is another data type, but don’t worry, you just have to know the two advantages aforementioned and how to create it (we will see it now).
An you know what?! As I know you’re doing great, let’s introduce our first function of the magic tidyverse world: mutate:

df <- df %>%
  mutate("Diagnosis" = factor(Diagnosis),
         "sex" = factor(sex),
         "Area" = factor(Area),
         "dataset" = factor(dataset))

'data.frame':   1493 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ SampleID : chr  "1005_TCX" "1019_TCX" "1029_TCX" "1034_TCX" ...
 $ Diagnosis: Factor w/ 2 levels "AD","Control": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ Braak    : num  6 6 6 6 5 6 5.5 6 6 5 ...
 $ sex      : Factor w/ 2 levels "F","M": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ AOD      : num  90 86 69 88 90 72 85 82 77 90 ...
 $ PMI      : num  8 4 4 5 NA 2 NA 15 NA NA ...
 $ RIN      : num  8.6 7.8 9.7 8.9 8.4 9 8 10 8.6 7.9 ...
 $ CDR      : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Area     : Factor w/ 6 levels "BM10","BM22",..: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
 $ dataset  : Factor w/ 3 levels "MAYO","MSBB",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

Great! It worked! Let’s dissect this code:

  1. df <-: we reassign the result to the same variable (overwriting it)
  2. df %>%: this is a feature of purr, a package inside tidyverse, that takes what is at the left of %>% and pass it as the first input of the function after the symbol. We could have written this code in just one line, but in this way is more readable
  3. mutata(: we use the function mutate, with df as first input (implicit thanks to %>%). This function is used to create new column/s in the dataframe; if the column already exists (as in our case), it is overwritten
  4. "Diagnosis" = factor(Diagnosis)
  5. : I take this as example, as this function has this structure "new_column" = something. In this case, we create (overwrite) column Diagnosis with factor(Diagnosis). To note: in tidyverse functions, the column of the dataframe can be accessed by calling only the name of the column, and not df$name_of_the_column.
  6. factor(Diagnosis): it takes as input the column Diagnosis and transform it from chr to Factor

And what can we say about the result?
As you can see, the four columns we changed inside mutate has now changed their output: from chr they became Factor w/ n levels and a bunch of numbers instead of the values. I’m sure you have already understood what does it mean, but to be sure: with “levels”, R stores the unique values of that vector (remember, each column of a dataframe is a vector!), and then it uses, for each element, integers to refer to the corresponding levels. This ensure memory optimization (integers takes less memory/space than words).
But, don’t worry, when you ask R to visualize the values of a factor, it returns the value and not the numbers:

Levels: AD Control

Reorder levels of a factor

There is a cool feature about factors: you can order the levels of it. In fact, by default levels are in alphabetical order. We can see it here, using the function levels():

[1] "AD"      "Control"

Sometimes, it is useful to change the order of them: think about times (20 weeks comes before 3 days alphabetically), or having a control reference as first in plots (when plotting categorical variable, the order of the levels is the order in the plot).
So, let’s see how we can change the order of the levels using factor:

df$Diagnosis <- factor(df$Diagnosis, levels = c("Control", "AD"), ordered = T)
'data.frame':   1493 obs. of  10 variables:
 $ SampleID : chr  "1005_TCX" "1019_TCX" "1029_TCX" "1034_TCX" ...
 $ Diagnosis: Ord.factor w/ 2 levels "Control"<"AD": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
 $ Braak    : num  6 6 6 6 5 6 5.5 6 6 5 ...
 $ sex      : Factor w/ 2 levels "F","M": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ AOD      : num  90 86 69 88 90 72 85 82 77 90 ...
 $ PMI      : num  8 4 4 5 NA 2 NA 15 NA NA ...
 $ RIN      : num  8.6 7.8 9.7 8.9 8.4 9 8 10 8.6 7.9 ...
 $ CDR      : num  NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ Area     : Factor w/ 6 levels "BM10","BM22",..: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ...
 $ dataset  : Factor w/ 3 levels "MAYO","MSBB",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...

“You are not using tidyverse now, why?” Right, I used the standard R syntax to highlight the syntax difference with tidyverse: in fact, here I had to put df$ into the function to explicit which column to convert. You can use whatever syntax you want, it does not matter at all; you will see shortly that sometimes tidyverse version is more clear.
Having said that, we can now see in the result of str() that now Diagnosis is an Ord.factor w/ 2 levels “Control”<“AD”.


Ok, now that we have fixed some columns, let’s evaluate the values of the dataframe, we will use summary():

   SampleID           Diagnosis       Braak       sex          AOD             PMI        
 Length:1493        Control:626   Min.   :0.000   F:890   Min.   :53.00   Min.   : 1.000  
 Class :character   AD     :867   1st Qu.:3.000   M:603   1st Qu.:79.00   1st Qu.: 3.917  
 Mode  :character                 Median :4.000           Median :86.00   Median : 5.500  
                                  Mean   :3.909           Mean   :83.59   Mean   : 7.471  
                                  3rd Qu.:6.000           3rd Qu.:90.00   3rd Qu.: 9.167  
                                  Max.   :6.000           Max.   :90.00   Max.   :38.000  
                                  NA's   :97                              NA's   :45      
      RIN             CDR           Area       dataset   
 Min.   : 1.00   Min.   :0.000   BM10 :233   MAYO  :160  
 1st Qu.: 5.60   1st Qu.:0.500   BM22 :238   MSBB  :930  
 Median : 6.80   Median :2.000   BM36 :232   ROSMAP:403  
 Mean   : 6.67   Mean   :2.368   BM44 :227               
 3rd Qu.: 7.80   3rd Qu.:4.000   DLPFC:403               
 Max.   :10.00   Max.   :5.000   TL   :160               
                 NA's   :563                             

How does summary works? It depends on the type of data of the column:

  • Character: it returns the length and the class (See SampleID)
  • Factor: it returns the number of occurrence of each levels (see Diagnosis, sex, Area and dataset). That’s another reason to use factor over character/numeric when possible. You can easily see if there are imbalance in some categories/levels or not.
  • Numeric: it returns some descriptive (See Braak and others). As you should know the data types you have inserted, you know the range of values you are expecting, so this function helps you to immediately evaluate the presence of some outliers.
  • Boolean: it returns the occurrence of TRUE and FALSE (as a factor with 2 levels)
    • Again, we have these NA’s… and now it’s the time to explain them.

Dealing with missing values

OPS, I already spoilered it ahahah. NA is the way R represent missing values.
In our example, we can see that we have different missing values in different columns, in particular in CDR where 1/3 of the total observations is missing.
How to deal with missing values is up to you. First of all, if you have collected the data it is a control on whether all your data are present (if not, you can go back and check why it is missing a data and fill it with a value, if you have it).
Usually, NA’s comes with downloaded data or data from different sources. You can decide if you want to delete all the observation with missing values, fill the missing values with another value (imputation) or accept missing values. There is not a standard on it, it is really up to you.

If you want to exclude all rows that have a missing value in any of the column, you should use na.omit function (I won’t show it because I don’t want to apply this filter to our data, but it is important that you know this function).
Instead, I propose an example on how to delete rows that have missing values in column PMI. We will use the function is.na() that evaluates values of a vector and returns a boolean (TRUE/FALSE) vector on whether a value is NA or not:

# 1. Example of is.na
is.na(c(1, NA, NA, 4, 9, 12))

You should now tell me how to use it to exclude rows from a dataframe based on whether a value of a column is NA or not.

Here is you should have answered:

df <- df[!is.na(df$PMI), ]
   SampleID           Diagnosis       Braak       sex          AOD             PMI        
 Length:1448        Control:612   Min.   :0.000   F:864   Min.   :58.00   Min.   : 1.000  
 Class :character   AD     :836   1st Qu.:3.000   M:584   1st Qu.:79.00   1st Qu.: 3.917  
 Mode  :character                 Median :4.000           Median :86.00   Median : 5.500  
                                  Mean   :3.881           Mean   :83.65   Mean   : 7.471  
                                  3rd Qu.:6.000           3rd Qu.:90.00   3rd Qu.: 9.167  
                                  Max.   :6.000           Max.   :90.00   Max.   :38.000  
                                  NA's   :87                                              
      RIN              CDR           Area       dataset   
 Min.   : 1.000   Min.   :0.000   BM10 :233   MAYO  :117  
 1st Qu.: 5.600   1st Qu.:0.500   BM22 :238   MSBB  :930  
 Median : 6.700   Median :2.000   BM36 :232   ROSMAP:401  
 Mean   : 6.623   Mean   :2.368   BM44 :227               
 3rd Qu.: 7.800   3rd Qu.:4.000   DLPFC:401               
 Max.   :10.000   Max.   :5.000   TL   :117               
                  NA's   :518                             

Great, we have no more NAs in PMI. If you don’t remember what ! stands for, go back and check the boolean chapter.

Filter a dataframe

We have just filtered out some rows, and guess what?! Tidyverse has a function to filter values, it is called…… filter.
This function takes as input an expression that returns a vector of boolean. Let’s try it to retrieve a dataframe of control males with CDR greater than 4:

df_male_ctrl_cdr4 <- df %>%
  filter(Diagnosis == "Control" & sex == "M" & CDR > 4)

   SampleID           Diagnosis     Braak     sex        AOD          PMI             RIN       
 Length:3           Control:3   Min.   : NA   F:0   Min.   :89   Min.   :2.667   Min.   :4.900  
 Class :character   AD     :0   1st Qu.: NA   M:3   1st Qu.:89   1st Qu.:2.667   1st Qu.:5.100  
 Mode  :character               Median : NA         Median :89   Median :2.667   Median :5.300  
                                Mean   :NaN         Mean   :89   Mean   :2.667   Mean   :5.367  
                                3rd Qu.: NA         3rd Qu.:89   3rd Qu.:2.667   3rd Qu.:5.600  
                                Max.   : NA         Max.   :89   Max.   :2.667   Max.   :5.900  
                                NA's   :3                                                       
      CDR       Area     dataset 
 Min.   :5   BM10 :1   MAYO  :0  
 1st Qu.:5   BM22 :1   MSBB  :3  
 Median :5   BM36 :1   ROSMAP:0  
 Mean   :5   BM44 :0             
 3rd Qu.:5   DLPFC:0             
 Max.   :5   TL   :0             

We have just 3 observations that matches our request.

We can also use functions to evaluate thresholds etc. For example, let’s take the female whose RIN is above 3rd quartile (75th quantile):

df_female_rin3q <- df %>%
  filter(sex == "F" & RIN > quantile(df$RIN, p = 0.75))

   SampleID           Diagnosis       Braak       sex          AOD             PMI        
 Length:199         Control: 87   Min.   :0.000   F:199   Min.   :58.00   Min.   : 1.000  
 Class :character   AD     :112   1st Qu.:3.000   M:  0   1st Qu.:83.00   1st Qu.: 3.500  
 Mode  :character                 Median :4.000           Median :88.00   Median : 4.750  
                                  Mean   :3.899           Mean   :85.07   Mean   : 5.855  
                                  3rd Qu.:5.000           3rd Qu.:90.00   3rd Qu.: 6.500  
                                  Max.   :6.000           Max.   :90.00   Max.   :30.000  
                                  NA's   :10                                              
      RIN              CDR           Area      dataset  
 Min.   : 7.900   Min.   :0.000   BM10 :13   MAYO  :45  
 1st Qu.: 8.100   1st Qu.:0.500   BM22 : 9   MSBB  :90  
 Median : 8.500   Median :2.000   BM36 :14   ROSMAP:64  
 Mean   : 8.708   Mean   :1.978   BM44 :54              
 3rd Qu.: 9.200   3rd Qu.:3.000   DLPFC:64              
 Max.   :10.000   Max.   :5.000   TL   :45              
                  NA's   :109                           

There are 199 female samples with a RIN above 3rd quartile. We get it thanks to quantile function, which accept a vector and returns the quartile values; if you want a particular quantile (as in our case), you can give as input p, which is the quantile you want to calculate.

Sort for the value of a column

You can also sort the entire dataframe based on the values of a column (or more columns if ties are present). We do it through arrange function of tidyverse.
For example, let’s sort the dataframe based on RIN:

df %>%
  arrange(RIN) %>%
  head(n = 10)
               SampleID Diagnosis Braak sex AOD       PMI RIN CDR Area dataset
1          hB_RNA_12624        AD     6   F  90  3.250000 1.0   4 BM10    MSBB
2          hB_RNA_12768        AD     6   M  82  6.833333 1.5   4 BM10    MSBB
3          hB_RNA_12695        AD     3   F  90  2.750000 1.8   3 BM10    MSBB
4           hB_RNA_8405        AD     5   F  85  9.166667 2.0   3 BM44    MSBB
5          hB_RNA_12615        AD     6   F  84  8.000000 2.1   3 BM10    MSBB
6          hB_RNA_10902        AD     5   F  73  7.333333 2.2   5 BM36    MSBB
7           hB_RNA_9005        AD     6   M  69  4.166667 2.2   5 BM44    MSBB
8          hB_RNA_10782        AD     5   F  90 11.833333 2.3   3 BM36    MSBB
9  hB_RNA_10782_L43C014        AD     5   F  90 11.833333 2.3   3 BM36    MSBB
10          hB_RNA_4341        AD     4   F  90  6.000000 2.4   4 BM44    MSBB

There are few consideration about this code:

  • We have sorted df based on RIN in an ascending order. If you want to sort the values in a descending way, you have to wrap the name of the column into desc, as arrange(desc(RIN))
  • We piped (the symbol %>% is also called pipe) the output of arrange to head function, to get only top 10 rows to visualize
  • Row 6 and 7 have the same RIN value, in this case we can add another column to arrange and use it to sort ties, as arrange(RIN, PMI)

Merge two columns

Sometimes, you want to merge two columns, and guess what?! There is a function for it ahahah
Let’s merge Area and dataset columns using unite():

df <- df %>%
  unite(col = "Area_dataset", Area, dataset, 
        sep = "_", remove = T)

  SampleID Diagnosis Braak sex AOD PMI  RIN CDR Area_dataset
1 1005_TCX        AD     6   F  90   8  8.6  NA      TL_MAYO
2 1019_TCX        AD     6   F  86   4  7.8  NA      TL_MAYO
3 1029_TCX        AD     6   F  69   4  9.7  NA      TL_MAYO
4 1034_TCX        AD     6   F  88   5  8.9  NA      TL_MAYO
6 1046_TCX        AD     6   F  72   2  9.0  NA      TL_MAYO
8 1085_TCX        AD     6   F  82  15 10.0  NA      TL_MAYO
Tadaaa! Instead of two columns we now have just one.

Looking at the code:

  • col = was used to set the new column name
  • Area, dataset were the two columns to merge. BUT, you can merge more than two columns, simply continue adding column names separated by a comma
  • sep = "_" was used to set the separator between the values of the columns (in our case, the underscore)
  • remove = T was used to tell R to remove the columns that we have merged. If set to FALSE, the original columns are kept in the dataframe and the merged column is added

Split two columns

Obviously, there is also a function to split a column based on a patter: separate.
We use it to separate the newly created Area_dataset column into the original ones:

df <- df %>%
  separate(col = Area_dataset, into = c("Area", "dataset"), sep = "_", remove = F) %>%
  mutate("Area" = factor(Area),
         "dataset" = factor(dataset))

  SampleID Diagnosis Braak sex AOD PMI  RIN CDR Area_dataset Area dataset
1 1005_TCX        AD     6   F  90   8  8.6  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO
2 1019_TCX        AD     6   F  86   4  7.8  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO
3 1029_TCX        AD     6   F  69   4  9.7  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO
4 1034_TCX        AD     6   F  88   5  8.9  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO
6 1046_TCX        AD     6   F  72   2  9.0  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO
8 1085_TCX        AD     6   F  82  15 10.0  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO

Here it is! We have regained the original columns as well as the merged one.
As you may have guessed, into = is used to set the names of the columns that are created by this function.

Merge two dataframes

To conclude this chapter, we will see how to merge two dataframes based on the values of a common column.
This is useful when, for example, you have the output of a differential gene expression with ensemble gene id and another dataframe which associates the ensemble gene ids with gene names, chromosome position etc etc. In this way, you can bring the information of the second dataframe into the first one.
In our case, I found in the paper the extended names of the Area abbreviations, and I want to add this info to our table. To do so, let’s first create the dataframe of abbreviations and full names:

# 1. Create vectors
abbreviations <- c("BM10", "BM22", "BM36", "BM44", "DLPFC", "TL")
full_name <- c("Broadmann area 10", "Broadmann area 22", "Broadmann area 36", "Broadmann area 44",  "Dorsolateral prefronal cortex", "Temporal lobe")

# 2. Create dataframe
area_df <- data.frame(abbreviations, full_name)

  abbreviations                     full_name
1          BM10             Broadmann area 10
2          BM22             Broadmann area 22
3          BM36             Broadmann area 36
4          BM44             Broadmann area 44
5         DLPFC Dorsolateral prefronal cortex
6            TL                 Temporal lobe

Next, to insert full_name info into our original dataframe we have to use one of the join functions from dplyr package of the tidyverse universe:

df <- df %>%
  left_join(y = area_df, by = c("Area" = "abbreviations"))

  SampleID Diagnosis Braak sex AOD PMI  RIN CDR Area_dataset Area dataset     full_name
1 1005_TCX        AD     6   F  90   8  8.6  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO Temporal lobe
2 1019_TCX        AD     6   F  86   4  7.8  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO Temporal lobe
3 1029_TCX        AD     6   F  69   4  9.7  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO Temporal lobe
4 1034_TCX        AD     6   F  88   5  8.9  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO Temporal lobe
5 1046_TCX        AD     6   F  72   2  9.0  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO Temporal lobe
6 1085_TCX        AD     6   F  82  15 10.0  NA      TL_MAYO   TL    MAYO Temporal lobe

Just a couple of comments on the code:

  • y = is used to set the dataframe that has to be joined
  • by = is used to declare which variable of the first dataframe is to match in the second dataframe (in our case Area from the first with abbreviations in the second)
  • There are many join functions:
    • left_join (the one we used): keep all the rows of the first dataframe, even if there is not the correspondence in the second on, and only the rows of the second one that have a match in the first
    • right_join: keep all the rows of the second dataframe, even if there is not the correspondence in the first one, and only the rows of the first one that have a match in the second
    • inner_join: keep only the rows that have common values between the two dataframe in the column used to merge
    • full_join: keep every rows of both dataframes

This concept is easier to explain with this image:


Woah… this was tough. Let’s do some exercises to strengthen these concepts.

Exercise 12.1 The first exercise is not a practical exercise sorry… I want you to read this very short paper on how to structure tabular data. I is mainly on Excel (which you know… NEVER use it anymore to do analysis), but the key concepts must be applied to every tabular data you are creating.
Next, take one of your data file from an experiment and try to be consistent with what you have just read.

Exercise 12.2 Take our dataset and filter for males samples of Temporal lobe and female samples of Dorsolateral prefronal cortex.
Change full_name to a factor

df_filtered <- df %>%
  filter((sex == "M" & full_name == "Temporal lobe") |
           (sex == "F" & full_name == "Dorsolateral prefronal cortex")) %>%
  mutate("full_name" = factor(full_name))

   SampleID           Diagnosis       Braak       sex          AOD             PMI        
 Length:318         Control:152   Min.   :0.000   F:263   Min.   :61.00   Min.   : 1.000  
 Class :character   AD     :166   1st Qu.:3.000   M: 55   1st Qu.:84.45   1st Qu.: 4.021  
 Mode  :character                 Median :4.000           Median :89.20   Median : 5.375  
                                  Mean   :3.751           Mean   :86.37   Mean   : 7.143  
                                  3rd Qu.:5.000           3rd Qu.:90.00   3rd Qu.: 8.167  
                                  Max.   :6.000           Max.   :90.00   Max.   :33.000  
                                  NA's   :25                                              
      RIN              CDR      Area_dataset           Area             dataset   
 Min.   : 5.000   Min.   : NA   Length:318         Length:318         MAYO  : 55  
 1st Qu.: 6.500   1st Qu.: NA   Class :character   Class :character   MSBB  :  0  
 Median : 7.400   Median : NA   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   ROSMAP:263  
 Mean   : 7.271   Mean   :NaN                                                     
 3rd Qu.: 8.000   3rd Qu.: NA                                                     
 Max.   :10.000   Max.   : NA                                                     
                  NA's   :318                                                     
 Dorsolateral prefronal cortex:263  
 Temporal lobe                : 55  
It is important to note that, since we have one condition OR another, and both have multiple conditions in them, we must use parenthesis to separate the conditions to evaluate. In fact, it works as in math: first parenthesis and then from left to right.

This was just an introduction with some cool stuff you can do with tidyverse. In the next chapter we will see more functions that can help us in doing statistics and other useful operations.